Rosa Lavecchia

1. Full name: Rosa Margarita Lavecchia

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2. City, Country: Buenos Aires – Argentina

3. Designation/organization: Individual member – Argentine Chapter

4. Member of AWE since: 1998

Psychologist with a specialty in social psychology and gender issues. When I become AWE member, I was coordinating REPEM (Popular Education Network among Women), for South Cone in Latin America (Chile, Argentina and Uruguay), working with women from poor sectors and indigenous women, for the recognition of their rights. 

Since 1999 until my retirement in 2011 I was hired by Church World Service as Regional Representative for South America. I carried out project evaluation activities, accompaniment of non-governmental organizations and coordination of training processes in the region.

Since my retirement, I am committed to advising women's organizations, evaluating and monitoring projects and capacity building proposals.